
In our continued effort to offer simple, convenient and affordable genetic testing, Viazoi has introduced Women’s Hereditary Breast & Ovarian genetic testing kit for $199. The test will perform a comprehensive analysis of 25 targeted genes with associated cancer risk. (Predisposition related to Breast, Ovarian, Lynch syndrome and Cowden syndrome)

Inherited genetic mutations play a major role in about five to ten percent of all cancers.(1) Which means that if you have a family member who has cancer, you may have an increased risk of developing or passing on a similar condition. Genetic testing is a tool used to identify those hereditary mutations in our DNA that may indicate a predisposition for certain cancers or health conditions. Viazoi offers predisposition profiling for 94 genes and over 145 cancer and health conditions.

This is our commitment ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to understand their inherited genetic risk, and knowing about the mutation early gives individuals an opportunity to work with their healthcare provider to develop a personalized prevention plan.

(1) American Cancer Society March 23, 2016

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