With the start of the New Year, health and wellness is top of people’s minds; viazoi is starting the year with a partnership that will not only help individuals but the community at large.
It’s the combination of our genetics and our life choices that make up the biology of our body. Here at viazoi, we use our scientific and medical expertise to create personalized programs that are based on your biology. From DNA testing to molecular microbe analysis, we use your U-ology to tailor a wellness program that is just for you.
Further, when DNA or biological data is pooled and made anonymous with thousands of other datasets, it can help the medical and scientific communities move healthcare forward. This is why we chose to partner with EncrypGen, because they are enabling this aggregation of anonymous data and ensuring those individuals that choose to participate in the program to receive value from their choices. This said, viazoi supports your choice of how your data can be utilized whether it’s sharing and being compensated with the medical community or staying private– we have options available. Read full article