Viazoi offers the following tests.
Personalized for Men:
Prevalent Cancers (35 genes) is composed of a genetic testing profile to include 35 different genes. The subject panel provides genetic information on 35 genes associated with lung, colorectal, pancreas, prostate, liver and stomach cancers.
Personalized for Women:
Breast & Ovarian Cancer (25 genes) is composed of a genetic testing profile to include 25 different genes. The subject panel provides genetic information on 25 genes associated with breast, ovarian, Lynch and Cowden syndromes.
Prevalent Cancers (35 genes) is composed of a genetic testing profile to include 35 different genes. The subject panel provides genetic information on 35 genes associated with breast, ovarian, Lynch and Cowden syndromes, lung, colorectal, uterine, and pancreas.
Personalized for both Men and Women:
Comprehensive Health (94 genes) is composed of a genetic testing profile to include 94 different genes. The subject panel provides genetic information on 94 genes associated with breast, ovarian, Lynch and Cowden syndromes, lung, colorectal, uterine, pancreas, kidney, prostate stomach/GI, leukemia, endocrine, liver, esophagus, melanoma, bladder, bone, Fanconi anemia and nervous system.