Body 360
Personalized Nutrition,
Fitness &
Vitamins Plan
I want to stop the fad diets and learn what is best for my body.
I want to know what exercise plans will give me the best results.
I want to know what vitamins will help my body achieve peak performance.

Skin Insights
Personalized Skin Insights
I want to know what skin care products are best for my skin type.
I want to know what active ingredients to look for and which to avoid.
I want to stop wasting money and time on unnecessary skin care products.

Genetic Weight Insights
Personalized Diet &
Exercise Plan
I want to learn what diet my body will best respond to (low carb, low fat, low cal, etc.)
I'm tired of the yo-yo effect, I want to know what diet is sustainable for me.
I want to learn what exercise to focus on.
See What Your Report Includes
How It Works:
Step 1:
Order your kit online
Step 2:
Mail back your check swab in the pre-paid envelope

Step 3:
We analyze your data
Step 4:
We send you a custom report based on your DNA